Fantasy and Non-Fiction Books by Ron Vitale

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Day 330: Beware of Self-Destructive Behavior

Growing up in an alcoholic and dysfunctional family allowed me to see at an early age what destructive behavior is like. I saw arguments, drug and alcohol use, and learned how to escape by using my imagination.

The problem is that what worked as a kid isn’t as effective now as an adult.

We cannot hide from our problems.

In the world today, it’s so easy to take a pill, drink to excess, work past too much, or even become addicted to social media, sex, or one of any number of vices.

Repeating patterns can happen within our own families if we allow it.

We might never pick up a drink, but that doesn’t mean that we do not try to solve our problems through other ineffective means.

The way forward is to acknowledge who we are, where we came from, and embrace our story.

For many years, I ran from my past, but the more I did that, the more I fell into dysfunctional behavior patterns.

When you are stressed out, how do you handle the problem?

Do you fall back on dysfunctional behaviors? Did you drink too much? Through yourself into work? Last out at others? Withdraw from the world?

Self-destructive behaviors will no longer protect you from the pain. It’s a great way to numb yourself or distract, but it’ll not help you solve your problems.

Take some time today to reflect. Be honest and list out whether you have any self-destructive behaviors. If you do, admit them, own up to them and work to overcome them.

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