Fantasy and Non-Fiction Books by Ron Vitale

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Day 318: Chaos Begets Chaos

The world is chaotic right now and the more chaos that we see, the more that we might be tempted to cut corners or rationalize our decisions.

No matter if we’re dealing with dysfunctional due to a chemical dependency, behavioral issues within the family, or with the world at large: Falling into dysfunctional behavior ourselves is not going to make our lives any easier.

As problematic as the world is right now, what we can focus on is to be at ease with our feelings and to take time to follow the lessons we’ve learned to help and relax us.

If someone drinks to excess and then acts out and that behavior affects the entire family, how you respond to that person’s behavior is on you. As angry as you might be and as good as it might feel to yell, argue, and scream, none of that is going to solve the problem.

You cannot change a person’s behavior.

That is one of the most difficult lessons to learn.

You might plead, yell, scream, shot, or given an ultimatum, but in the end you can’t fix a person’s drinking problem. They need to do that on their own.

What you can do is to stop the chaos and focus on healthy behaviors that will settle you.

You are responsible for yourself.

Let the chaos go, let it leave you, and focus on yourself.

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