Fantasy and Non-Fiction Books by Ron Vitale

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Day 388: Do Something Different

Day after day you are saddled with a heavy burden, or so you think. Each of us is trapped within our own struggles and it’s difficult for us to put those burdens down and to relax for a bit.

Guilt, repression, depression, anger, hate, fear, anxiety, and all sorts of challenges can rise up and try to strangle you and pull you down. You can ignore your feelings, repress them, or numb them with drugs, alcohol, work, sex, or a whole laundry list of things.

But at the end of the day, you are with your own thoughts each day. When each of us passes on, we will be alone.

There will be struggles throughout our entire life, but what if you put the burdens down and try something different today?

What if you take a negative and focus on gratitude?

What are you thankful for?

How different would your life be if you embraced the positive and to focus on gratitude?

For today, I invite you to listen to Neil Pasricha on the Ologies podcast. The episode is Awesomeology, and it’s well worth a listen.

The struggle will never go away. Our past, the present, and worry of the future will always be with us if we let them. But what would happen if you disrupted that way of thinking?

What would happen if you focused on gratitude in your life?

Why don’t you find out?