Fantasy and Non-Fiction Books by Ron Vitale

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Day 379: Are You a Victim and Waiting to Be Rescued?

The more energy and time we put into believing that we are a victim and that we need to be rescued, the less control we will have of our lives. With alcoholism and dysfunction in our past, it can be extremely hard to overcome our past.

We may see ourselves as damaged, broken, and unlovable. The definitions that we carry within will be projected outward and directly relate to how people treat us.

You are not a victim.

You are a survivor.

You do not need to be rescued.

You can rescue yourself.

The energy and time and worry that we put into worrying about our past can be spent on the present. Today is all there is. There is no other place for us to go. When we think about the past and dwell on it, we are delegating our power to the trauma we experienced.

When we get help and learn the skills to free ourselves of victim-hood and what happened to us as kids, that begins a new day for us.

None of this work is easy, but it’s good work. It’s healthy work. To learn skills to help us overcome our past, sets a foundation of peace and calm that we realize a powerful secret:

We are powerful. We are loved. We are beautiful as we are.

By overcoming our past, we can set the future.

The work you do today will be the solid rock that you will rely on in the future.

And it all starts with belief in yourself.

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