Day 84: You Deserve It
“You deserve it.”
What do you think of when you read those words? Is your first thought a negative one on how something bad has happened, and you think that deep down, you deserve the bad thing that just happened?
Those of us who grew up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional family often internalize the problems we see around us. Somehow, for some reason, we deserve that bad thing that happened.
But let’s flip that thought pattern around. Try this on for size:
“You worked hard. You deserve the promotion.”
“You are so thoughtful. You deserve all the good friends you have.”
Coming out of our shell can help us see the world around us in a different (and more positive) way. Yesterday I went to an event with more than twenty people packed into the living room. I stood alone for a bit and had that introvert thought cross through my head: “Alert! Alert! Backup and go into hiding.”
But I pushed through that and engaged the woman sitting across from me. It’s easy to take out our phones and ignore the world around us so that we can feel more secure. Or we can create situations where we’re comfortable and safe.
The world we create can quickly become a prison. If we do not reach out to others, people may leave us alone. If we think that we are not worth it, why would others think differently?
We manifest our destiny. If we believe we aren’t worth it, how much simpler is it to make that a self-fulfilling prophecy?
The challenge is to see ourselves as worthy. The bad stuff that happened in the past might have helped define who we are today b,ut that’s not the totality of our makeup. We can see ourselves as victims or survivors.
Do you see the difference?
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