Day 142: Going into the Pool
Some people stand by the edge of the pool and put their toe in. They like to take their time, warm up a bit, and then slowly wade into the pool.
Others like to stand at the edge, count to three, and then jump in. They want to get the flash of cold over with quickly and go right under.
And there are some who go to the edge of the pool, decide not to go in and go back inside.
None of these responses to going into the pool are “right” or “wrong.” They’re just different ways for how people like to go swimming (or not).
At times in your life, you might want to do any of these three responses. It might all depend on how you feel that day. Do you feel sick? Are you tired? Or are you in need of a break and want to have some fun so you just want to jump in?
What’s important to remember is that you have the right to change your mind. You can do what you want.
And it’s equally important to not force your way on another. Pushing someone into the pool when they don’t want to is mean. Respect another person’s wishes.
Now throw the pool metaphor out the window and think about how you like to deal with your problems.
Sometimes you might want to dive in, other times you go in bit by bit, and there are maybe there are certain days that you want to bury your head in the sand and ignore that you even have a problem.
We’re human and feel different things on different days.
When you go through you day today, keep two things in mind:
Listen to how you want to deal with your problems. Really listen to yourself.
Be sure not to force your solution onto others. Let them go into the pool on their own.
It’s all about respect.
Respect for yourself and others.
Please, keep that in mind.
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