Fantasy and Non-Fiction Books by Ron Vitale

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Day 272: Being Whole

I’ve talked about wholeness before. But I want to look at being whole from a different perspective. I grew up in an alcoholic/dysfunctional home and for a long time I felt broken and that something was wrong with me. I didn’t seem to have the same type of life as others, and I knew that my family life was different from my friends’.

Through therapy, self-help books like Healing the Child Within, and attending Adult Children of Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, I found a way to become whole and realized my potential.

But I’d like you to take a different perspective today. Yes, we are whole, just as we are. However, what if we take a step back and from a meditative and spiritual perspective, we see ourselves as part of the overall whole? What do I mean?

The universe exists and we are part of it. Just like a drop of water is part of the river, so to our atoms are part of the universe. We are not separate from the universe. We are whole with it. The universe and each one of us are one. There is no “inside” and “outside” of creation. We are all part of the atoms that exist within the universe. Our carbon atoms are the same carbon atoms in the heart of a sun billions of light years from us.

The divisions and divides that we create within ourselves and those around us are demarcations to create distance between us and others. We divide ourselves from within and from others in an attempt to make ourselves stand out (either to pump ourselves up or to tear others down).

If only for today, what if you take time to see how you’re connected to the rest of creation? I understand that this might seem odd and off putting. I’m not asking you to change your religious beliefs or to espouse some if you’re an atheist. Instead, I’m asking you to view all of creation from a different perspective.

Seeing that and thinking on that can help strengthen our commitment to who we are and our sense of joy.

Like what you’ve read? Be sure to check out my other posts in my Let Go and Be Free blog.