Day 332: Celebrate That You're Alive

Day 332: Celebrate That You're Alive

Yes, there is a lot of worry and anxiety in our world. There’s stress, problem, sickness, but there’s also hope. When we celebrate that we’re alive, the hope that we carry in our heart can be the bridge toward a better future.

To worry and hold the fear in our hearts day after day is not healthy for us. To celebrate life, we are creating an environment of strength and hope.

Day 331: Our Connection

Day 331: Our Connection

We are connected. All of us. The world is our home. The division, the fighting, the suffering, the joy, the love, the hope—all of this is our place.

Each day we have a choice. We can get up and act out to take down those around us. We can use our past suffering to fuel our hatred and rage to destroy all around us. We can perpetuate the dysfunction and create another generation of children who are frightened and traumatized by our actions.

Day 329: Revisiting Grudges

Day 329: Revisiting Grudges

It feels good to hold a grudge. At least in the beginning. But then things change over time. When we focus on the grudge, we lose track of the what happened to us.

Oprah Winfrey has said: “Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different, it's accepting the past for what it was, and using this moment and this time to help yourself move forward.”

Day 321: The Slog

Day 321: The Slog

There are going to be times in your life when you hit a rut. If you’re going along trying something new, it’s hard when you hit a rough patch. Seth Godin has written The Dip in which he states that he believes that successful people look for a rough patch, quit something that they’re trying that isn’t working, and move on to something else. You might wonder why I bring up Godin as he’s written books about marketing and business, but his lesson about failure it critical to our own success in life.

Day 319: Change Is Inevitiable

Day 319: Change Is Inevitiable

The more we resist change, the harder we’re making our lives. No matter what we do, change will continue to take place. The challenge is that it’s easier for us to stick with what we know. The pain we know is easier to handle than the unknown. People are generally afraid of the unknown and change.

How we handle change and respond to it will make all the difference.

Day 318: Chaos Begets Chaos

Day 318: Chaos Begets Chaos

The world is chaotic right now and the more chaos that we see, the more that we might be tempted to cut corners or rationalize our decisions.

No matter if we’re dealing with dysfunctional due to a chemical dependency, behavioral issues within the family, or with the world at large: Falling into dysfunctional behavior ourselves is not going to make our lives any easier.