Day 377: Anxiousness and Fear

Day 377: Anxiousness and Fear

The stress and urgency of day-to-day challenges can become overwhelming if you let them. Bills, sickness, problems at work, arguments within the family, such stresses can exacerbate how you struggle with overcoming your problems.

If your early family upbringing was filled with dysfunction and abuse, the patterns that you fall into might be fraught with anxiousness and fear.

Day 373: Comparison

Day 373: Comparison

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” And Mark Twain once commented that “Comparison is the death of joy.” There is a lot to compare yourself to. All you need to do is turn on the TV, go on Facebook, or Instagram, or pick up a magazine.

Who is thinner than you, smarter, more together, richer, happier, sexier, and an all-about better person?

Day 366: When You Feel Overwhelmed

Day 366: When You Feel Overwhelmed

What should you do when you feel overwhelmed? I’m not a big fan of anyone telling someone else what they “should” do. Instead, I can share a story.

After my grandfather passed away, less than two months later my grandmother passed as well. And then about two and a half months later my father-in-law passed. Then, three months later, our son was born.

Day 365: Handling the Holidays

Day 365: Handling the Holidays

A year ago today I started writing my first Let Go and Be Free book. I had promised myself that I would write for a year and then stop. Since I want to even out all four books, I’m going to continue writing until I hit day 400. I think that will be a nice way of rounding out the series. But for today how I celebrate the holidays will be different than what I’ve done in the past.

Day 364: How Do You Feel About Yourself?

Day 364: How Do You Feel About Yourself?

When you think about yourself, how do you feel? Are you happy? Sad? Do you put yourself down? Are you self-confident or are you angry at yourself for the problems that you’ve encountered in life due to growing up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional family?

Self-esteem and self-love are often big challenges for those of us who grew up with dysfunction. Instability and a laundry list of problems ranging from abuse (sexual, physical or emotional) to neglect plague many of us who grew up in a dysfunctional family.