indie writer

5 Powerful Author Tools for Indie Writers

When I started writing my first Cinderella’s Secret Witch Diaries book back in 2009, I did not know much about the process of writing. I kept my process as simplistic as I could by using files on my local computer, Microsoft Word and then backed up all my files using Carbonite. I worked full-time and in the early morning hours (and eventually the few precious hours after my kids were asleep), I’d write, re-write, edit and eventually teach myself how to convert my books into .mobi and .epub format.

What I Learned in 2015 as an Indie Writer in the Self-Publishing Industry: Full Sales Figures and Strategy

What I Learned in 2015 as an Indie Writer in the Self-Publishing Industry: Full Sales Figures and Strategy

Well, it's time for my "what I learned as an indie writer in self-publishing" for 2015. At the beginning of this year, my goals were:

  • Write and publish two books.
  • Have my three Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries Series books turned into audiobooks for Audible.
  • Build my email list up with my readers.

Did I meet my goals? Did I make money or lose it? Where did I net out at the end of the year? Read more to find out!

What I Learned in 2014 as an Indie Writer in the Self-Publishing Industry

What I Learned in 2014 as an Indie Writer in the Self-Publishing Industry

For you fellow writers out there and those of you who are thinking about getting into the self-publishing industry, here are my sales numbers for 2014. I have been working at writing and publishing books since 2011 and I wanted to once again be transparent and share with you how I did in 2014. And, if you're interested, here are my sales from 2012 and 2013.

Interview with Paranormal and Urban Fantasy Author: S. M. Reine

I have a special treat for readers. S. M. Reine was kind enough to take time out of her busy writing schedule to do an interview with me. Sara writes urban fantasy and paranormal novels and has a series of fantastic books out (be sure to check out her Descent and Ascension series). She's a great example of living the indie writer dream and gives some great insight into all the hard work it takes to make it as a fiction writer. For more information about Sara and her books, visit

What I Learned about Selling Books as an Indie Writer

I know that there are many fellow indie writers out there who are in a similar situation that I once was back in 2010 so I wanted to share my publishing journey along with sales figures (August 2011 - May 2013). Yes, you have heard of Amanda Hocking's story and of John Locke's, but what about the other thousands of indie writers out there who decided to write books and put them up on Amazon? After several years of work, I have data to share with you.

Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here

I will be up front and as transparent as I possibly can. The self-publishing industry is volatile, difficult to predict and more time consuming than I ever anticipated. But, fear not, it's not without hope. What is truly important is to have realistic expectations. If you're looking to make it rich fast, then, yes, abandon hope. If you understand that you'll be putting in years of work and that you'll need to build your platform and brand over several years writing at least three books, then you're in the realm of reality.