
Amanda Palmer and the Art of Asking Philadelphia 2014 Tour Stop

Amanda Palmer and the Art of Asking Philadelphia 2014 Tour Stop

Amanda Palmer stood on stage talking with her friend Kyle Cassidy and they were talking about fame, being a celebrity and social media. Amanda thought a moment and said that she remembered a time in which the random thought in your head could not be shared instantly to the world via Twitter, Facebook, or the social media platform du jour.

The (Sexual) Harassment of Women Online and Off

When I was younger, I thought that I'd grow up in a world that was better, kinder and more advanced. That people would help each other, we'd be to Mars by now and we'd find a way to make peace with each other. How dumb I was. I've been hearing a lot about GamerGate in the last month and it shocks me that in 2014 women are being threatened online.

That Time I Failed with Amanda Palmer

About a week ago I saw that Ksenia Anske, a fellow indie writer, landed a special guest spot on one of Amanda Palmer's "The Art of Asking" tour gigs and would be on stage with Amanda in Seattle. I read the news from Ksenia on Facebook and was over the moon for her. What a fantastic opportunity!

The Long, Long Journey Toward Recovery

The Long, Long Journey Toward Recovery

I wasn't going to write another post about healing from my torn Achilles injury but I think it's important for me to document this past week so that not only can I reflect on how I'm doing, but I can also help others have a true sense of what it's going to take to recover from such an injury. A quick recap: I tore my Achilles on June 26, 2014 and I'm writing this on September 20, 2014. I'm nearly three months into the recovery period. If you want to read the entire saga, I recommend that you start back at the beginning so that you have a true sense of what you're up against in recovering.