Need help in creating a print book in IngramSpark, but feel a bit overwhelmed? Don’t worry, I have you covered. I created four books earlier this year, but when I went back in to start a fifth, I decided to document the process to make it easier for me and for any other indie authors. Hope this documentation helps you!
Overcoming Adversity by Ksenia Anske
This week I have a rare treat. Writer Ksenia Anske has agreed to write a guest blog post for my website and talk about overcoming adversity. Without further ado, here's what she has to say.
The only adversity you ever need to overcome is in your head. Sure, there is plenty of adversity in your daily life.
What I Learned in 2015 as an Indie Writer in the Self-Publishing Industry: Full Sales Figures and Strategy
Well, it's time for my "what I learned as an indie writer in self-publishing" for 2015. At the beginning of this year, my goals were:
- Write and publish two books.
- Have my three Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries Series books turned into audiobooks for Audible.
- Build my email list up with my readers.
Did I meet my goals? Did I make money or lose it? Where did I net out at the end of the year? Read more to find out!
Lost: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries on Audible
I have some great news to share. Lost: Cinderella's Secret Witch Diaries is in the final stages of being made into an audiobook for Audible. Before the book is launched on Audible, I wanted to share an interview with Jessica Mann who narrated the book. Enjoy!
Write a Novel in One Month (and it's not NaNoWriMo)
I started writing when I was 9 years old. I'm 44 now. In all of that time, I have never written a novel in one month. In fact, to be honest, I always thought that people who did NaNoWriMo were way overachievers and I couldn't understand why they would want to do that. Why would someone want to write an entire novel in 30 days? Just didn't make any sense to me.
What I Learned in 2014 as an Indie Writer in the Self-Publishing Industry
For you fellow writers out there and those of you who are thinking about getting into the self-publishing industry, here are my sales numbers for 2014. I have been working at writing and publishing books since 2011 and I wanted to once again be transparent and share with you how I did in 2014. And, if you're interested, here are my sales from 2012 and 2013.