the writing life

3 Reasons Why Co-writing with My Husband Is Scary and 3 Ways I’m Conquering My Fears

Hi, I’m Karen. For almost 40 years, I’ve been an imaginary writer.

Meaning, I spend lots of time imagining how great it will be when I finally write all the amazing stories that are locked somewhere inside of me. But not really doing that much, y’know... actual writing. Because words are hard. And it’s much more fun contemplating which studio I’ll license my film rights to, than writing anything film-worthy.

Don't Give Up: Writing for the Long Tail

Don't Give Up: Writing for the Long Tail

I made a decision back in 2010 that changed my life. I made a commitment to write a novel and publish it. I had written my first fantasy novel back when I was 16 years old and for the longest time I floundered. I struggled to get the book published, wrote a second book (a sequel to the first) that still sits on my virtual shelf as well as a good number of short stories. All the time I kept listening to the critics around me: You can't earn a living being a fiction writer. (Dean Wesley Smith takes a nice sledgehammer to that urban myth and debunks it with flare. Be sure to check his article out.)