Day 24: Don't Worry About It: Pyt (The Danish Have It Right)

You’re rushing to meet the train and your heel breaks.

You’re on the highway and get a flat tire.

You set your alarm to get up early, and the power goes out, and you oversleep.

Each day there are hundreds of little events that don’t go our way. How do you handle stress events?

In my youth, I’d get upset and double-down trying to push on harder. I’d grit my teeth and push through to complete whatever I needed.

But there are events in life in which, things just happen. Sh*t happens. It just does.

How do you react to the situation?

Get upset and vent your anger? (That was my normal reaction.)

Or, why not practice “pyt” (an untranslatable Danish phrase that means a “Don’t worry about it” or “oh, well.”)

The Danish have learned that you’ll have a much happier life if you learn to roll with the punches. Getting all emotionally invested on that glass of spilled milk on the carpet probably isn’t going to solve the problem and your stress level only goes up.

But practicing pyt, might be worth checking out.

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