Day 81: Are You Like Doubting Thomas?

As a Catholic, in school, the nuns would have us read parts of the Bible for classwork. When I read Luke 9:3, I scratched my head: “And he said to them, “Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not have two tunics.”

Jesus asked his disciples to go out into the world and that they didn’t need to bring anything with them. They would be okay with food, drink, a place to stay, and wouldn’t need any money. I couldn’t figure that out.

Why would Jesus say that to his disciples? At 12-years-old, I questioned Jesus’ advice and worried about the disciples. I couldn’t see how they would survive. What would they do for food? Where would they sleep?

I just didn’t get it.

It wasn’t until I grew older that I started to understand. The charisma, nurturing, and message of love that the disciples brought with them would win over converts. People would provide for them. The disciples needed to trust that their work would win over hearts and minds.

That’s a powerful message.

It’s similar to the doubting Thomas part of the Bible when Jesus told him to “Reach here with your finger, and see My hands; and reach here your hand and put it into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but believing."

Thomas does so and believes.

What I like about Luke 9:3 is that the plight of the disciples is much more complicated. When a miracle is right before our eyes, sure, we see it and believe. But like the disciples, we need to find the strength to believe in ourselves.

We need to find the strength to cast off doubt even when others are criticizing us.

All of us are human and make mistakes every day. From the smallest to the biggest of problems, life happens, and we stumble.

But imagine facing life without the “staff, bag, bread, or money.”

What would that mean for you to wake up and face the day with confidence?

How can you believe in yourself today?

What internal struggles hold you back from doing good and being happy?

Think about them, bring them close to you, and then let them go.

Even if it’s just one small thing, belief is built bit by bit and taking a leap of faith.

Why not try it today?

Take the leap.

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