Where are you today? How do you feel? What are your plans for today?
How often do we go about our day on autopilot without stopping to question what we do and why?
Imagine if you take time, right now, to center yourself. Name the worries that are on your mind and admit to them.
If you’re feeling great, then celebrate that.
Growing up in an alcoholic/dysfunctional family, I didn’t allow myself to feel joy very often. I used to be afraid that as soon as I was happy that something bad would happen to make that all go away.
Now, as an adult, I have different challenges, and as I go through life, I realize that I’m trying to do too much.
What if we stopped and took more time out for ourselves?
What if we unplugged from being attached constantly to our mobile phones?
What if we stopped numbing ourselves with drugs, alcohol, food, or adrenaline as we constantly rush around from one place to the next.
As I write this, I’m more than 35 days staying at home due to the Coronavirus pandemic. I’ve heard many people complaining about being bored, but that’s not the case for me. Between work, my writing, helping my kids and spending time with them, and doing chores around the house, I have more than enough to keep me busy.
But that’s the thing: Keeping myself busy isn’t the same thing as living and enjoying life.
A few days ago, I went on an early morning run. I stopped close from home near a creek, and I listened to the water, heard birds chirping, and felt the rising sun on my face.
I doubt I will ever have more time to reflect on my life as I do now during my state’s sheltering at home.
The time that I have now to spend with my family during the shutdown of my state is precious because I get to spend time with my kids.
I am getting a chance to re-evaluate what I want to do with my life and how I spend my time.
And what about you?
For today, what do you want to do with your day?
Take a moment, sit down, close your eyes, and ask: How do you feel?
When you’re open to listening, your path (as rocky as it might be) will be made clear.
Even if you’re confused about what’s the right step forward, taking stock of how you feel each day is the first step to helping you make a decision.
Like what you’ve read? Be sure to check out my other posts in my Let Go and Be Free blog.