Day 223: Be Positive

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full?

Your answer can help dictate how you will deal with stress and problems in your life.

Accepting who we are today and envisioning where we want to be tomorrow is critical to help us move forward.

The stories we tell ourselves and whether we believe them make all the difference.

If we believe we’re going to fail, then chances are that we’ll do so.

Belief in ourselves and how to move forward in a healthy and positive way helps to set the stage for a life of happiness and peace.

This is not to say that all we need to do is to be positive and our lives will be perfect. That’s not the case.

Bad things happen to good people. People get sick, lose jobs, become injured, and deal with all the other aspects of the challenges of life. How we rise to the occasion and face those challenges is critical to overcoming them.

Having grown up in an alcoholic/dysfunctional family, it’s important that we have a fair and personal review of who we are, what quirks we have, and how we deal with stress.

Do we overcompensate and try to control a situation?

Do we withdraw and let others make choices for us?

What do we do when life becomes difficult?

The key to being positive is to focus on our daily habits. Small, positive, and re-energizing actions that we start practicing today will help us for when we hit that bump in the road.

It’s harder to remain positive if we’re not taking care of our bodies well. Start with the basics:

  • Eat right

  • Sleep enough

  • Get some light to moderate exercise

Being positive isn’t a gimmick but allows us to see possibilities where we might have felt trapped before. Remember, being positive doesn’t mean that we deny the problems we have. Instead, being positive enables us to see solutions where we might not have before.

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