You cannot change the past. You cannot go back and fixed how you were raised, decisions that your parents made (or didn’t make), and the problems you lived through cannot be erased.
If a parent hurt you (or both of your parents), there is no way to go back in time and undo the damage.
You might want an apology or see that the person who hurt you have changed, but that might never happen.
We can’t change another person’s behavior. We might want to and might believe that we deserve an apology, but we might never receive that type of closure.
The more we chase after the past and try to receive an apology, the more we fall into a trap. The people who harmed us cannot heal us. Only we can do that.
The harder road is to move onward and accept that the alcoholic or dysfunctional upbringing that we were raised in happened. We truly can’t undo what happened.
Sometimes we only can let go and to move onward.
When we accept what happened to us and move onward, we create new opportunities for us. New doors open. Instead of remaining tethered to the past, we can create a path forward that will allow us to move onward from the past.
“It is what it is.”
That acceptance of the trauma we experienced and then letting it go gives us an opportunity to embrace healing. When we realize that our power is derived from within and not externally, that’s when we can grow and find peace with our past.
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