Day 322: I Am

Who are you?

I am not asking you to think about what others think of you. Who are you in your mind?

Take some time to sit still, close your eyes, and think about who you are.

Take a deep breath, hold it, and say: “I am.”

Close your eyes, think about your past, and focus on your childhood. Where were you back then? If you could look into the window of your childhood house and could see yourself as a child, what do you see?

How did you feel as a kid? What burdens did you carry? What hardships? What were you thinking of and struggling with?

Now as an adult, walk into that room and go up to yourself as a young child and give them a hug. Hold yourself close, keep your eyes firmly shut, and feel the love. Accept it as you give you.

I am. You are. We are.

Each of us has a love within that we can give to ourselves and help heal our past.

We have the power within us to grow and to love.

When you are finished with the visualization, give yourself a hug, inhale slowly, hold the breath, and then exhale. You are loved. You are beautiful. You are you.

It all starts with believing it.

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