Day 237: You Are Enough

You are enough. Your self-esteem is critical to your well-being. Having grown up in an alcoholic/dysfunctional family, I struggled to try to find validation in the midst of family chaos. Over time, that meant I focused on my work and on my relationships to help center me.

Maybe you’ve done the same in the past.

But what happens when something goes badly at work or you lose your job? Does that mean you are suddenly not enough? That there’s something wrong with you?

No, that’s not the case.

If we embrace and take ownership of our self-esteem and our own well-being, then we can weather any storm.

For today, I recommend that you start and incorporate daily affirmations into your life. When you brush your teeth in the morning, look in the mirror and say “I am enough.”

Your core and inner worth is constant and always there (and always has been). The challenge is to remember that and exercising that muscle. Our self-esteem needs to be worked on and strengthened.

The world around us is filled with challenges (loss of work, the coronavirus pandemic, financial problems, etc.), but the work we do each day to strengthen our self-esteem will help ground us during challenging times.

Build up your self-esteem today.


Write down your affirmations each day or say them to yourself in the mirror.

As simple as that might sound, the act of fortifying our neural pathways can help ground us during difficult times. Clear away the clutter of your life, slow down, and take a few minutes each day to focus on your self-esteem. You are worth it.

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