Day 231: Fear and Faith

When you are between the past and the future, it’s understandable to be afraid. I’m in such a moment now. One week ago I was laid off from my job and it’s been a whirlwind of job searches, talking with people about jobs, applying for a job, and dealing with the stress of the world around me.

More than 48 million other Americans are out of work due to the coronavirus pandemic, and the United States just passed three million cases. The news is grim.

Am I worried and afraid? Yes, I am.

I’m afraid because I fear that I won’t be able to put food on the table for my kids and I want to ensure that my kids have healthcare in the middle of a pandemic. There’s a lot on the line.

If I allow myself to spiral out of control and focus only on my fear, I’ll not be of much help to anyone.

Instead, I’m working on taking concrete actions each day to build a bridge toward the future I want. Right now I feel like I’m standing at a chasm and I’m trying to figure out how to get across. The only way I know how to do that is to build a bridge across, walk around, or climb down the hole and then climb back up again. No way is the right way, but standing at the edge of a cliff and worrying about it isn’t going to solve my problems. I need to act.

And I’m doing that, but I want you to see what is really going on behind the scenes. I am having a hard time. I’m being honest with you. I’m working as hard as I can and am taking time each day to meditate, pray, write, and look for a job. Day by day, little by little, I will get there.

You might be going through a difficult time right now or soon will. Challenges are part of life. How we face our challenges and overcome them is critical to our growth.

I can’t be there physically to hold your hand, but I can send my words out to you through this page, and to be open and empathetic. If you’re hurting and you’re afraid, I hear you. I’m afraid too. I’m worried, scared, fearful, frightened, drained, and overwhelmed. There, I said it.

Take how you feel, say it, verbalize it, let those feelings out, and then take a step forward. If you could focus on one positive thing in your life right now, what would that be? In times of hardship, I fall back on two things: Check in with myself and give to others.

Open your heart and love yourself unconditionally. You are not a failure, broken, or damaged goods.

We will get through this time of hardship. I don’t know when, but I can tell you how. We need to have faith in ourselves. Dig deep, reach down, cast off the fear, and take a step forward.

Together, we can do this.

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