Day 313: Praise

Take some time today to praise all the hard work that you have done on your journey. It doesn’t matter if this is your first day or that you’ve worked for decades to be where you are, now is the time to take stock of who you are and to heap praise on yourself for the work that you’ve done.

Too often we look at the future or the past, but we do not take time to be happy with whom we are today.

The challenge is that as adult children of alcoholics or those growing up in a dysfunctional family—we struggle with self-esteem.

Yes, it’s easy to lay blame and point fingers at others or ourselves for things that have gone wrong in our lives, but what if we flip that and focus on the positive? What if we list out all the great things we’ve done in our lives and where we are today?

I’m thinking back to a dark time in my history and how I struggled after a breakup. I felt horrible and so upset about where I was in my life.

However, I didn’t take the time to see the good all around me. Instead I focused on the problems I had, the mistakes I had made, and I kept obsessing on the negative.

What if we let go of the negative?

What if we give ourselves a break today and focus on the positive?

Not all is bad. Not all is lost.

We can choose to celebrate and be happy for being alive and for all that we have around us.

Accept praise today and give some to yourself.

Enjoy today.

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