Day 71: Life Isn't Fair

Life isn’t fair. So what? What’s new?

We can choose to look at things from either a positive perspective or a negative one. We can see ourselves as a victim or as a self-rescuer.

The choice is up to us.

I grew up in Philadelphia that’s one of the largest cities in the United States of America and was raised in a middle-class family. When put into perspective, my challenges pale in comparison to others. Over the years that I have authored my fiction books, I have had readers write to me and share the physical and financial challenges they struggle with on a day to day basis.

I think that it’s a lot easier for us to remain pushed down because of how we grew up. It is easy to blame our alcoholic or dysfunctional parents or relatives for the problems we have today. I want to be clear. I am not saying that our problems aren’t severe. No, I don’t mean that at all.

What I am saying is that we have suffered and gone through dark times (maybe some of you are still struggling). The question is: What are each of us going to do about it?

We can complain and continue to complain but not take any action to solve our problems. The act of complaining gives us the ability to voice our issues to those who will lend us a sympathetic ear. But how do we raise ourselves up and out of the mire?

It’s not easy.

Last year I met a man who has cerebral palsy and decided to go to college. Even though it’s difficult for him to talk, walk, or write, he didn’t give up on his dream. I listened to him tell a story about, and it moved me. When he had first started school, he didn’t know how to get to one of his classes on campus. He went up to a teacher and asked for help, but the teacher thought he was begging for money and shoed him away.

Still, even though he had been mistreated, he did not give up. He continued to go to classes, at his pace and is achieving his dreams. He could easily say, “Life isn’t fair” and throw his arms up in despair.

But he hasn’t done that. He struggles and works hard to do the best that he can do each day. He is not a victim. He’s become a symbol of heroism on campus because of how hard he works toward his dream.

If we limit ourselves to be victims and less than deserving, how will we ever succeed?

Take a moment, stop and think, what is holding you back and why?

And then, take one step forward toward your goal. Even if it’s a baby step, one step is better than none.

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