I have been practicing meditation and wanted to share with you these words: So Hum. Roughly translated, the words mean “I am.”
Today I ask that you focus on yourself and who you are. Often we think of our faults, the mistakes we made, or on the flip-side, our ego gets in the way and we are selfish.
When we take in a breath and hold it, the meditation So Hum helps us see that we exist. We are perfect as we are. I think that’s the most difficult message for me to take in. I know that I exist and that I am, but to believe that we are perfect as we are?
That’s an entirely different story.
I have struggled for decades in trying to piece together who I am, how to overcome the alcoholism and dysfunction in my life, and the struggles. I kept trying to “become better.”
But what if we’re already perfect, just as we are?
It’s a radical thought and one that needs to be repeated.
We need to unlearn what we have learned. As a child growing up in an alcoholic and dysfunctional home, I thought that I was broken, and that something was wrong with me.
What if we have always been perfect and that we need to let go of the burdens we carry? Sometimes the struggles we have fought against become the crutches that we desperately cling to because they are familiar.
I am. You are. We are.
The perfection that we seek already exists. Flaws and all, we are the sum of who we are meant to be. We can reach out and give ourselves the love we deserve instead of chasing after love through others.
There is no mystical message here. There is no magic.
We simply need to see ourselves as the powerful and whole individuals we were born as.
When we think about our struggles, what if we were to embrace them and love them? What if we bring together our past with our present and are comfortable with whom we are today?
It doesn’t matter what tomorrow will bring. And yesterday is forever gone.
Today is what matters.
Embracing our full manifestation and to love ourselves is critical for us to truly understand that the wholeness we seek can never come from anyone else. It comes from us.
Can you see that?
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