
Day 7: Make Time for Fun

Day 7: Make Time for Fun

I’m a hard worker. I take on lots of responsibility. I get up early to write novels (or this blog), I’ve trained for marathons, and you know what? All work and no play is detrimental to my well-being. Always being on the go and never stopping to have fun not only isn’t healthy, but it makes me a party pooper! Here are some ways to overcome that.

Day 3: The Power of Stillness and Relaxation

Day 3: The Power of Stillness and Relaxation

I am a type A person. A co-worker once joked, “You’ve cured cancer by the time I even got out of bed in the morning.”

There’s a flip side to that of course: I push myself hard. A few years back I set a schedule for myself and I’m either writing or exercising before work. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are writing days while Tuesday, Thursday and Sundays are run days.