Let Go and Be Free

Day 87: Are You Awake?

Day 87: Are You Awake?

Don’t like what’s on TV? Turn it off and make your movie.

Feel oppressed at your job? Get another one.

Sick of the same old type of books out in the store? Write a new one.

Disgusted with the news and how everything looks horrible? Volunteer and make a difference in the world.

It’s easy to point the finger and say “that is wrong,” but power is self-given. No one is going to come up to you, give you the scepter of might, and say, “You now have the power to go take on the world.”

Day 86: Try Something New

Day 86: Try Something New

When is the last time that you tried something new?

I find that what helps me in life is shaking things up a bit and trying something that’s out of my comfort zone.

When I tried my first mud run, I had no idea what I was getting involved in. Friends of mine had invited me to get into running, and I loved it. But when I found a 10K mud run taking place in my area to raise money for MS, I wanted to give it a try.

Day 83: Make Amends When Wrong

Day 83: Make Amends When Wrong

No one likes to be wrong. At work, with your spouse, children, or family. But we all make mistakes, and sometimes our behaviors hurt another person.

Each day I take time to go through how I’ve acted, and I reflect on the things that I could have done better. I then actively work to make amends to anyone I have hurt.

Day 80: Overcoming Deep Fear

Day 80: Overcoming Deep Fear

I’m afraid. I’m writing this with a heavy weight on me and fear that I may fail. I’m afraid that if I listen to myself and follow my instincts that I'm delusional and will not succeed.

I’m afraid that I’ll not be able to put food on the table for my family and that I should just shut up and go along with the flow.