Let Go and Be Free

Day 353: Sex and Intimacy

Day 353: Sex and Intimacy

If you grew up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional family, finding intimacy and a healthy sex life can be a challenge. Learning how to trust another, find intimacy, and build a healthy relationship is not easy.

To open yourself up to such intimacy, can be a challenge. Learning how to be in a healthy relationship, when you’ve never see one can be difficult.

Day 351: Be a Contributor

Day 351: Be a Contributor

No matter how hard you push, you can’t be perfect. Chasing after perfection is a fool’s errand. It’s also setting you up for failure if you think that you must be perfect.

The pain and suffering that you grew up with as kids in an alcoholic or dysfunctional family hangs over us and is part of who we are. I know that there have been times where I’ve overcompensated and tried to do everything for everyone. That path leads to burnout and exhaustion.

Day 348: Uncertainty

Day 348: Uncertainty

Let’s check in: I am writing this at 6:49 a.m. on November 4, 2020. It’s the day after the U.S. Presidential election. At the moment, the election is still undecided. And in America, more than 9.49 million people have the Coronavirus and 236,000 people have died from the virus. German, France, and the United Kingdom have all announced a second round of lockdown measures as the virus is spreading throughout Europe.